Megger Industrial Maintenance

Insulation Testing

Insulation testers are Megger‘s best known products worldwide. In the 19th century, when the first cities became electrified in the course of the industrial revolution, Megger constructed the world’s first ‘hand dynamo’. This patented product generated enough voltage to measure resistances in the megohm range. Today, you can experience the exceptional accuracy, repeatability and reliability of Megger’s insulation testers. Indeed, thanks to Megger‘s advanced guard terminal technology, you can avoid leakage currents that can distort results, giving you accurate insulation measurements quickly and efficiently.

MIT400/2 Series


MIT515 & MIT525

MIT200 Series

MIT300 Series



Low resistance testing

DLRO10X- 10 A micro-ohmmeter with test results storage and downloading

DLRO10HD & DLRO10HDX- Dual power 10 A micro-ohmmeter with IP65 rating

DLRO10-10 A Micro-ohmmeter

DLRO2-2 A low resistance ohmmeter

DLRO100-2 100 A highly portable micro-ohmmeter with dualground safety


Motor and generator testing

Megger Baker Instruments are designed and manufactured with the purpose of testing and maintaining rotating machinery. They deliver predictive maintenance results with trending information that enables industrial maintenance teams to monitor plant and predict motor failures ahead of time to avert costly downtime

Baker AWA-IV-- Static motor analyser

Baker DX-

Rotating machinery testing

Baker EXP4000-Dynamic motor analysis system

MTR105-Hand-held static motor tester

Baker PPX Power packs

Baker NetEP- Online motor analyser

Partial discharge testing

PD Scan-Medium voltage switchgear substation surveying system


Time domain reflectometry

TDR2050- Dual channel LV cable fault locator

TDR1000/3 -Single channel LV cable fault locator


Cable Fault Location System

EZ-Thump12-Highly portable fault location system


Smart Thump ST16-20

digiPHONE+ Surge wave receiver for acoustic and electromagnetic fault pinpointing

Cable Route Tracing & Identification

Easyloc-Utility services detection and location system

CI LCI-Cable identifier

CHM Series-Cable height meters

Power Quality

With the increased sophistication of electrical and electronic equipment, and the new micro generation systems being added to the grid, there is now more attention being paid to the quality of supply. Power quality surveys on electrical noise, lamp flicker, load balancing, power factor correction and motor in-rush studies can all be carried out with Megger power quality analysers.

MPQ1000 -Power quality analysis system


Battery Testing

With the increasing dependency of back-up systems on battery strings, and the escalating cost of replacing batteries, instrumentation and software systems that can measure, trend and manage the life-cycle of cells is a cost effective option. There are two methodologies for testing batteries. The first, impedance testing, is an on-line test that can be performed frequently to identify individual weak cells before they fail. The second, battery discharge test, is normally an off-line test and tests the actual output of the whole battery under load conditions. This will show what will actually happen if the battery is required to take the load. Most battery systems are floating and have earth leakage monitors and trips if there is an earth fault. The Battery Ground Fault Tracer allows you to trace a faulty circuit easily in a complex floating system.

BITE3 -Battery impedance test equipment

BITE5-Battery Tester

Earth or Ground Testers

Earth or ground resistance testing - One of the most important considerations in an electrical system is the resistance of the earth for reliable operation and safety. Whether you are doing a ground resistivity survey to plan the location of a substation or testing an earth electrode, Megger has an earth tester suitable for the job. Megger has more than 50 years’ experience in designing and building earth resistance testers. The latest generation are CAT IV rated, and have tough molded cases. Variable test frequency keeps noise down, reliability up.

DET2/3-Advanced earth tester

ETK- Earth test kit

All models include these features:

DET3 & 4 Series


Earth Loop Impedance Testers

LT300 -High current earth loop impedance tester

LTW315 & LTW325 & LTW335