Power Cable Infrastructure

Diagnostic testing

Partial Discharge Testing

Advanced Partial Discharge Detector ICMsystem Generation 5

The ICMsystem Generation 5 is part of the Power Diagnostix ICM series of digital partial discharge detectors. The ICMsystem is a powerful, versatile instrument for evaluating the condition of medium and high voltage insulation. The ICMsystem Generation 5 is usable over a range of frequencies of applied voltage, including power system frequency (50/60 Hz) and VLF (0.1 Hz).

Digital Partial Discharge Detector ICMcompact

The ICMcompact is part of the ICM series of digital partial discharge detectors. The ICMcompact is a compact, stand-alone instrument for evaluating the condition of medium and high voltage insulation. It is often used in quality assurance and quality control tests in manufacturing. The easy portability, simple operation, and flexibility of the ICMcompact make it a good choice for routine PD testing in a variety of utility and industrial applications.

Partial Discharge Measurement Device AIAcompact

The AIAcompact is a portable unit for in-service acoustic and electric (UHF) partial discharge measurements on gas-insulated switchgear (GIS), transformers, and cable accessories. The instrument is fitted with a battery pack for independent operation up to 3 hours. It adapts to a variety of piezo-electric acoustic sensors and is supplied with a versatile sensor fixture. Additionally, the AIAcompact allows partial discharge measurements on external UHF sensors.

Partial Discharge Measurement System ICMflex

The ICMflex offers inherent operator safety and greatly simplifies distribution class cable testing and other field tasks involving partial discharge and tan delta testing. The instrument is mainly used for on-site testing, but can be used in laboratories and work shops as well.

Partial Discharge Monitoring on GIS Systems GISmonitor

The GISmonitor Portable is a portable unit for partial discharge measurements on gas-insulated switchgear (GIS) caused by hopping particles, floating potentials, cracks in insulators or spacers, or other degradation in the insulation system. The instrument offers parallel real time PD acquisition on up to 40 channels. To eliminate disturbance signals from the measurement, the instrument can be connected to a disturbance antenna that provides a gating signal.

Partial Discharge Monitoring Device ICMmonitor

The ICMmonitor is part of the Power Diagnostix ICMseries of digital partial discharge detectors. It is a compact, stand-alone instrument for evaluating the condition of medium and high voltage insulation. A built-in four-, or eight-channel multiplexer offers scanning of three-phase systems or multiple sensors. It is used principally for permanent, continuous on-line monitoring of rotating machines, cable systems, power transformers, and gas-insulated switch gear (GIS).

High power test & diagnostics combination for MV cables TDS NT series

Network operators can now get faster and significantly more reliable information about the quality and the condition of their cables. For the first time, it has become possible to immediately locate faults in underground cables during the actual PD measurement. With the 50/60 Hz Slope Technology a withstand test with VLF cosine-rectangular voltage (VLF CR) and PD diagnosis with damped alternating voltage (DAC) is combined in one unit, the TDS NT series. This allows an efficient and integrated solution for precise inventory of the network infrastructure.

Test and diagnostic system for high-voltage cables HV DAC-200 and HV DAC-300

The HV DAC-300 and HV DAC-200 apply damped AC voltage techniques to the cable installation, as part of a maintenance regime or the commissioning of new high voltage cables up to 230 kV. HV DAC systems can easily identify, evaluate and locate partial discharges faults in cable insulation and cable accessories of all types in both new and aged high voltage power cables.

PD diagnostic system for medium voltage cables MV DAC-30

The MV DAC-30 unit can identify, evaluate and locate partial discharge in both cable insulation and accessories according to IEC 60270 and IEEE 400.3/4. One of the major benefits of the DAC waveform is the similarity with the 50/60 Hz power frequency. Data can directly be correlated and decisions can be made, this in contrary to VLF Sine 0.1 Hz, over here it is not possible.

Handheld online PD substation surveying system UHF PD Detector

The UHF PD Detector is the ideal tool for quick, non-invasive surveys in MV and HV substations and should be part of the toolkit for all maintenance and service teams. Due to its high measurement bandwidth, the UHF method provides accurate local online partial discharge (PD) measurements on HV components such as cable end-terminations, surge arrestors, voltage transformers and isolators

High power test and diagnostics combination for MV cables TDM 45 series

TDM 45 series is a revolutionary breakthrough in testing and diagnostics of MV cables. The patented concept addresses the utilities increasing need for flexibility in use of test and measuring equipment based on the type of application. The modular concept allows the engineer to individually setup the unit based on the type of job that needs to be executed, e.g. for tanDelta diagnostics, PD diagnostics or VLF withstand testing. The TDM 45 series is available in eight variants; upgrades are possible without sending the unit back to the factory.

Portable PD detection and localization system PDS 62-SIN

Apart from PD couplers which are suited for all types of excitation voltages Megger also offers PD couplers which are suited for VLF sinusoidal only. The PDS 62-SIN has been designed for all Megger VLF sinusoidal testers up to 62 kVpeak. With its weight of 14.5 kg the PDS 62-SIN is the lightest PD measuring unit on the market.

Medium voltage switchgear substation surveying system PD Scan

The PD Scan is a handheld, pre-screening tool suitable for online detection of PD activity in MV cables and plant. PD activity is widely regarded as an indication of incipient faults in the insulation and seen as one of the best ‘early warning’ indicators of the deterioration of medium and high voltage insulation. Faults in MV plant are in most cases cost expensive. A breakdown in e.g. a termination can lead to damage of the entire cubicle. In addition faults in MV plant can lead to long outage times. With help from the PD scan such faults can be prevented.

Partial Discharge Diagnostics PDS60

The PDS60 PD module works together with the VLF 45 Sinus as well the TDS60 VLF Rectangular and 50Hz Slope voltage sources to perform PD diagnostics on cables using the latest automatic analysis algorithms.

VLF cable testing

Very Low Frequency (VLF) 0.1 Hz testing is used on XLPE cables as an alternative to DC testing to prevent polarisation and premature damage to the insulation. It is designed to identify weak spots due to electrical trees in the insulation. Cosine rectangular 0.1 Hz systems have been developed to meet international standards such as IEC HD 620/621 and IEEE 400. The benefit of the cosine rectangular waveform is that you can test longer cables to the standards of 0.1 Hz. Many of our VLF test systems also feature dc and pulsed dc outputs to enable sheath testing, and sheath fault pin-pointing using the ESG NT.

VLF and DC cable 20 kV post repair cable tester Easytest 20 kV

The Easytest is a simplified version of the standard cosine rectangular VLF test. Typically, a test is performed in accordance with company specifications after repairs or after a new cable has been installed.

28 kV, 40 kV and to 60 kV VLF cosine rectangular waveform test systems VLF CR 28 kV, VLF CR 40 kV Basis, VLF CR 40 kV Plus, VLF CR 60 kV Basis and VLF CR 60 kV Plus

The portable VLF CR systems VLF CR 28 … 60 kV are high power test sets that allow standard compliant testing at 0.1Hz. Aside from cable and sheath testing, the test systems can also be used for precise pinpointing of sheath faults. The VLF CR 28 is suited for cables rated up to 15 kV, the VLF CR 40 up to 23 kV and the VLF CR 60 up to 36 kV.

High power VLF test systems VLF CR 60 HP, VLF CR 80 Base and VLF CR 80 Plus

The VLF CR systems VLF CR 60-HP and VLF CR-80 are high power test sets that allow standard compliant testing at 0.1Hz of very long cables (up to 33 km at maximum test voltage). These units are ideally suited, if installed in a container, for offshore windfarm testing (36 kV class up to 3 Uo, and 66 kV class up to 2 Uo).

VLF test system with 50 Hz slope technology TDS40 and TDS60

Offering 40 or 60 kV output at 0.1 Hz with rising and falling edge shape equivalent to the 50 Hz slope, these test systems are built in two parts to make them more transportable. They also output damped ac and dc to the nominal voltage and can be used for sheath testing.

34 kV sine wave VLF test system VLF sinus 34 kV

The VLF Sine 34 kV is a compact, robust and portable VLF sine wave test system for medium voltage cables. With its output voltage of 34 kVpeak it is ideally suited to perform withstand testing on cables rated up to 15 kV. For diagnostic applications it is suited for cables up to the 23 kV class.

Tan delta diagnostics

Megger provides three solutions for tanDelta diagnostics, the external tanDelta attachment is a high precise unit which functions with all Megger VLF testers. In addition Megger also provides VLF units with internal tanDelta facilty, the VLF Sinus 45-TD/TDM45-P-TD and the VLF Sine 62-TD/ TDM62-P-TD.

45 kV sine wave VLF test system VLF sinus 45 kV

The VLF Sine 45 kV, with optional integrated tanDelta, is a compact system for commissioning and condition analysis of mediumvoltage cables. With its output voltage of 45 kVpeak it is ideally suited to perform withstand testing on cables rated up to 25 kV. For diagnostic applications it is suited for cables up to the 36 kV class.

62 kV sine wave VLF test system VLF sinus 62 kV

The VLF Sine 62 kV, with optional integrated tanDelta, is the smallest and lightest system on the market with internal tanDelta measurement. With its output voltage of 62 kVpeak it is ideally suited to perform withstand testing on cables rated up to 36 kV. For diagnostic applications it is suited for cables up to the 45 kV class.

Portable cable fault systems

The fundamental objective of any cable fault location system is to provide quick, effective, accurate and safe fault location, resulting in reduced system outages and “Customer Minutes Lost”. Megger’s fault location systems help you quickly find the location of the underground fault.

Highly portable fault location system EZ-Thump 12 kV

Weighing less than 33 kg the EZ-Thump 12 kV is the most portable fault location systems on the market. It utilises the “Easy Go” test system, which is easy to operate, interprets the results and requires minimal training to find faults. On-board is a TDR with a 7.6 km range and arc reflection at 12 kV for pre-locating. For pinpointing, EZ-Thump offers a surge energy of 500 j, DC testing for breakdown detection and insulation resistance measurement. The unit is operated from line or the internal battery.

EZ-Thump 3 kV / 4 kV

The new dual-stage 3 kV EZ-Thump is the first of its kind in the entire market, and along with the updated 4 kV single-stage unit they are portable, compact and lightweight, battery and AC line operated cable fault location systems specifically designed for fault locating of shielded and unshielded low voltage power cables. Due to their portable, robust and (wet) outdoor-capable enclosure, they are ideally suited for all typical fault locating operations on LV cables either in industrial applications up to 3 kV or 4 kV, street light fault locating or fault locating of LV power circuits in the utility industry.

Fault location systems for MV networks SFX12 and SFX16

A pair of mobile fault locating systems offering up to 12 kV, 1100 J or 16 kV, 2000 J surge energy respectively. They are controlled using the well-renowned built-in Teleflex SX-1 TDR.

Portable cable fault locators for outdoor use Smart Thump 16-20

This neat, compact system can be powered by on-board batteries or main supply. It utilises the “Easy Go” test system, which is easy to operate, interprets the results and requires minimal training to find faults. Proof test at 8 or 16 kV , surge energy 1500 J, features ICE, ARC reflection (ARM), decay and sheath test modes.

Smart Thump 25-30

The SMART THUMP 25-30 Portable Cable Fault Locating System provides safe, efficient and extremely easy-to-use solutions for quickly identifying, prelocating and pinpointing various types of cable faults for power cables. The ST25-30 is developed to meet the requirements for typical medium-voltage distribution cable fault location markets from 11 to 35 kV system voltage.

Portable cable fault location system SFX32

SFX32 is a mobile system for testing and fault locating on low and medium voltage cables as the test and surge voltages can be up to 32 kV. The Short Period Arc Reflection Method is used for pre-location of high resistance faults up to 32 kV while low resistance faults can be located with the Teleflex SX-1 TDR module without recourse to high voltage methods. The burning of faults is possible at all voltage levels by short-term burning. 1750 Joules with a vehicle mounted option of 3500 J of surge energy provide the necessary high power for fast and accurate pinpointing cable faults by the acoustic method.

Mobile cable testing and fault location system STX40

The STX40 is the most powerful and most modern portable fault location system in the market. It is ideally suited for proof testing, analysing, prelocating and pinpointing of faults on extruded low voltage and medium voltage XLPEand EPR-insulated cables. With its 40 kV DC source and a potent high frequency burner it is also highly capable and effective on PILC cables as well.

Digital earth fault locator ESG NT

The earth fault locator ESG NT is used for the high accuracy pinpointing of a sheath fault. The easy-to-use instrument utilizes a bright, sun readable TFT color display. A fully automatic calibration keeps the display always at zero. The integrated noise suppression eliminates all influences by DC, railway currents, industrial plants and high resistive soil environment.

Traditional surge wave generators SWG

Surge wave generators are the main component of cable fault location. They are used for both pinpointing and prelocation in combination with an ARM filter and reflectometer.

Battery operated sheath fault location system MFM10

Sheath faults can occur due to poor cable laying or damage during installation. A sheath fault may not be detected until the cable is already in operation, and at this point they can become real cable faults later down the cable‘s lifecycle. It is therefore important to identify and address these faults as quickly as possible before they can become real faults.

Sheath Fault Locators

Portable cable fault locators for outdoor use Smart Thump 16-20

This neat, compact system can be powered by on-board batteries or main supply. It utilises the “Easy Go” test system, which is easy to operate, interprets the results and requires minimal training to find faults. Proof test at 8 or 16 kV , surge energy 1500 J, features ICE, ARC reflection (ARM), decay and sheath test modes.

Smart Thump 25-30

The SMART THUMP 25-30 Portable Cable Fault Locating System provides safe, efficient and extremely easy-to-use solutions for quickly identifying, prelocating and pinpointing various types of cable faults for power cables. The ST25-30 is developed to meet the requirements for typical medium-voltage distribution cable fault location markets from 11 to 35 kV system voltage.

Digital earth fault locator ESG NT

The earth fault locator ESG NT is used for the high accuracy pinpointing of a sheath fault. The easy-to-use instrument utilizes a bright, sun readable TFT color display. A fully automatic calibration keeps the display always at zero. The integrated noise suppression eliminates all influences by DC, railway currents, industrial plants and high resistive soil environment.

Cable Fault Pin-Pointers

These are used in conjunction with a surge generator or sheath fault locator pulsed energy source to find the exact location of a fault.

Pinpointing with magnetic-acoustic surge wave receiver digiPHONE+2

■ Acoustic-magnetic cable fault location
■ Highest acoustic noise immunity
■ Automatic filtering of interference signals
■ Automatic adjustment of all parameters, no adjustment required
■ Cable compass: shows the actual cable route position and always helps you to stay on track

Combination system for pinpointing and sheath fault location digiPHONE+2 NT set

Megger has combined the two systems digiPHONE+2 and ESG NT in one device: the digiPHONE+2 NT Set. The acoustic-magnetic cable fault pinpointing and step voltage pinpointing of cable sheath faults can be done easily, quickly, and reliably.

Cable tracing with detection of current direction High voltage bridge for fault location in long cables digiPHONE+2 NTRX set

■ Cable compass for determining the cable position
■ Continuous display of laying depth and current intensity
■ Current direction detection
■ Frequency scan
■ Special probe location mode

Cable fault pinpointing in low voltage networks Fault Sniffer 2

Most cable faults result in burns of the cable sheath. The resulting gases are sucked in and detected by the vacuum technology of Fault Sniffer 2. The data is evaluated in real time and gives you a graphical representation of the combustion gas concentration.

Monitoring and fault location in LV grids Smartfuse 2

SmartFuse 2, a multifunctional electronic fuse system up to 250 A load current, is Megger‘s new solution in the low-voltage network, available as a 1-phase or 3-phase system. SmartFuse 2 consists of up to three power modules and a control module, and is so compact that the distribution panel can be closed after installation. Safety posts are not necessary.

Line tracing and locating system Protrace

The Protrace® Utility Locating System has accuracy-enhancing features you can’t get on other locators. Ambient noise technology automatically recommends the best frequency. An available 12W transmitter drives signals farther down large, direct-buried utilities. The Protrace® locating system can provide the depth and horizontal distance to the utility.

High voltage bridge for fault location in long cables HVB10

HVB10 is a highly accurate HV bridge designed to prelocate cable and sheath faults, perform sheath testing and pinpoint sheath faults, especially on long high voltage cables. With its high resolution, intermittent fault detection function, and load adaptation for faster cable charging, the HVB10 is the ideal tool for finding sheath faults early and accurately by identifying poor cable laying practices and checking contractor work before connecting to the utility’s network.

Cable route tracing and identification

Cable location system Ferrolux FLG12 and FLG50

The FERROLUX® System provides solutions to a wide variety of problems for operators of power and telecommunication cable systems and public utility companies. The FERROLUX® Audio Frequency System can be used for pipelines and cable tracing, cable selection and location of cable faults.

Utility services detection and location system EasyLoc

The Easyloc is a fast and simple to operate system for the detection and tracing of undergrounded cable and pipe systems. The Easyloc receiver shows the signal level received and marks the maximum. The operators can work with the audio signal and the visual confirmation at all times.

Phase verification system PVS100i

Whether you are restructuring a network, planning new network systems or performing switching operations, precise phase identification is essential for the safe and reliable operation of a network. The PVS 100i assists you in checking the phase quickly and precisely. It helps you to avoid faulty switching, eliminates safety risks, reduces operation expenses, prevents a one-sided load of the network and improves the service

Cable Identifier CI/LCI

The CI & LCI are cable identifiers that single out a specific cable in a trench within a group. The consequences of cutting the wrong cable can be fatal. The CI will safely identify a de-energized primary HV cable within a group of energized or de-energized cables. The LCI will also identify the cable on energized low voltage cables. The transmitter sends a pulsed signal, which the CI and & LCI use to detect the correct cable.

Phase identification in earthed and shorted MV cables PIL8

The Phase Identification System PIL 8 permits a fast and safe phase determination at the jointing location during the mounting of medium voltage cables. The VDE regulations stipulate that if for the purpose of a phase identification in medium voltage cables it is necessary to disconnect the earthing and shortcircuiting for the duration of the measurement, othersuitable safety measures have to be implemented.


The Detex range of testers is ideal for determining the presence of voltage, be it phase to earth or phase to phase. A verification unit is available to ensure safe operation. Voltage detectors are suitable for voltages from 2.3 kV to 550 kV