Power Protection

Circuit breaker testing

Testing with DualGround™

Deregulation changed the business environment for utilities, switchgear owners and their service companies. It has increased the emphasis on efficiency of operation, maintenance and service levels. Likewise the internationalisation of the business has brought new challenges by increasing the emphasis on health and safety and environmental compliance.

Contact Resistance Testing

For testing circuit breaker contact resistance in compliance with IEC62271-100, specialist low resistance testers are used with a high output current. For this and other applications that require a higher test current, Megger offers an extensive range of testers that will fit your testing regime.

100 A, highly portable micro-ohmmeter with DualGround safety DLRO100E, DLRO100X and DLRO100H

Weighing only 7.9 kg this battery and, or mains powered units bring real portability for field measurement of contact resistance to IEC62271-100. Rated at CAT IV 600 V and weather and dust proofed to IP54, these ohmmeters are tough. With a measurement range from 0.1 µΩ to 2 Ω with a resolution of 0.1 µΩ, high noise immunity and smooth dc output, the DLRO100 series offers all the test modes you would expect from a true microohmmeter. Additional facilities include DualGround safety, internal memory, downloading, asset labelling and remote operation, depending upon model.

Hand-held 200 A micro-ohmmeter MOM2

Weighing just 1 kg, the MOM2 micro-ohmmeter from Megger is capable of carrying out tests at currents up to 220 A and can output 100 A for 3 s. With a measurement range of 1 µΩ to 1 Ω, this makes it a convenient and time saving alternative. Operating from rechargeable batteries which give 2,000 measurements per charge, allows a full day’s testing to be completed. The MOM2 is suitable for a range of applications, including testing busbar and cable joints, and carrying out contact resistance measurements on low-, mediumand high-voltage circuit breakers. Circuit breaker tests performed with the instrument conform fully to IEC and IEEE standards.

600 A and 200 A micro-ohmmeter

Provides the operator with high resolution, 0.1 µΩ, portable method of performing on-site low resistance measurements. The test current is variable from 10 A to 600 A or 200 A respectively, in 1 A steps, enabling the user to perform all the required tests with a single instrument. The unit can be used to test circuit breaker contact resistance to IEC 62271-100, switch contacts, busbars, joints, splices, fuses and rail bonds. The full keyboard makes labelling and storing of results quick and easy. A large liquid crystal display provides all the information needed to perform a test; all test parameters and measurement results are displayed.

600 A and 200 A micro-ohmmeter MOM600 and MOM200

Both these low resistance ohmmeters have a measurement range up to 2 mΩ with a resolution of 1 µΩ. They offer a choice of maximum current of 600 A and 200 A and the MOM200 weighs as little as 14 kg.

600 A low resistance ohmmeter MOM690A

Offering a test current from 0 to 600 A DC the MOM690A has a measurement range up to 200 mΩ with a resolution of 1 µΩ. The MOM690A can programmed to perform an individual test or an entire series and store the results. There is an AC output for quick and easy demagnetization of CTs.

600 A and 200 A micro-ohmmeter with DualGround safety MJÖLNER600 and MJÖLNER200

By being able to operate with both sides of the circuit breaker earthed, Mjölner adds a new level of safety to the tester of CBs. The ripple free DC test current can be varied from 5 A to 600 A or 200 A, depending on model, with a maximum continuous current of 300 A or 100 A respectively. The measuring range is up to 1 Ω with a resolution as low as 0.1 µΩ depending on the resistance being measured. Equipped with a USB port for downloading of data the Mjölner series of products can add a further level of safety for the operator by being remotely controlled.

Circuit Breaker Analyser Systems

IEC62271-100 recommends that contact travel and speed are tested, as well as closing and opening times, resistance of the main contacts and synchronisation of the contact operation. As circuit breakers are electro mechanical devices, both the electrical and mechanical operation should be tested. It is essential that circuit breakers operate correctly when the protection systems detect a fault to avoid catastrophic failure. Megger offers a full suite of circuit breaker analysis tools to help ensure they do.

Circuit breaker analyser system with DualGround safety for multiple-breaks-per-phase systems. TM1800

The modular design makes it possible to configure the TM1800 for measurements on all known types of circuit breakers in operation on the world market. The robust design product contains powerful technology that streamlines circuit breaker testing. Sophisticated measurement modules enable great time savings as many parameters can be measured simultaneously, eliminating the need for new setup each time. The circuit breaker can be grounded on both sides throughout all tests including timing due to the patented DCM module. DualGround™ testing makes the testing safe and time saving.

Circuit breaker analyser with DualGround safety for two breaks per phase systems. TM1700 series

The TM1700 takes much of the technology from the top of the line version TM1800 and is limited to timing of 6 main contacts. TM1700 comes in five models starting from PC-remote controlled to fully stand-alone. One important feature is the test wizard that quickly guides the operator through the test setup. All inputs and outputs on the instrument are designed to withstand the challenging environment in high voltage substations and industrial environments.

Load tap changer testing power supply LTC135

An accessory to Megger’s extensive range of circuit breaker analysers, LTC135 makes it possible to obtain a deeper knowledge of the working of tap changers by recording dynamic voltage and resistance.

Power supply voltage tester B10E

A useful power supply unit providing a controllable DC power source to breaker coils and spring-charging motors. Since this power is unaffected by load and virtually ripple-free, it is ideal for minimum pick-up and under voltage tests that are stated in the international standard IEC 62271-1.


Vibration kit: Includes SCA606, CABA Win vibration software and one vibration channel.

SSR kit: Synchronised switching relay test kit for TM1800 including accessories, software and cables.

Transducers: There is a range of linear and rotary transducers available, in both digital and analogue forms

Current sensor: 100 A AC/DC clamp for first trip analysis.

Vacuum interrupter tester VIDAR

■ Low weight and small size

■ Fast test and easy to use

■ Immediate pass/fail feedback

■ 10-60 kV DC test voltage

Circuit breaker analyser for single break per phase systems EGIL

Designed using the experience gained from our larger instruments, the EGIL is intended for gang operated breakers with one break per phase. Its size and simplicity makes it attractive to smaller power plants and maintenance departments. Now can be used with SDRM.

DC High Current Circuit Breaker Tester

Megger has acquired the BALTO product line from STEVO Electric bvba (Belgium). The BALTO products, continually developed since their launch in 2003, are used to test the operation of DC high-speed electrical circuit breakers. The BALTO products extend Megger’s offering to the rail and metro industry, which is transitioning to more electrification, digital communication and control systems.

Static and Dynamic Resistance SDRM202

■ Accurate DRM results through high current supply 2 x 200 A

■ Fast charge – minimum waiting intervals

■ Low weight, 4.3 kg incl. cables

Static resistance measurement (SRM)

A static resistance value provides a reference value for all types of electrical contacts and joints. If the contact resistance is too high this will lead to power loss and temperature rise, which often leads to serious trouble. IEC 62271-1 states that this type of resistance is to be measured using a current ranging between 50 A and the breaker’s nominal current. IEEE C 37.09 specifies a minimum test current of 100 A. Other international and national standards set forth similar guidelines in order to eliminate the risk of obtaining erroneously high values if the test current is too low.

Dynamic resistance measurement (DRM)

A circuit breaker will have arcing contact wear by normal operation as well as when breaking short-circuit currents. If the arcing contact is too short or in bad condition, the main contact surfaces can be deteriorated by arching, resulting in increased resistance, excessive heating and, in the worst case, explosion. In a Dynamic Resistance Measurement the main contact resistance is measured during an open or close operation. If contact movement is recorded simultaneously, you can read the resistance at each contact position, which is used to reliably estimate the arcing contact length. The only real alternative in finding the length of the arcing contact is dismantling the circuit breaker. A reliable DRM interpretation requires high test current and good measurement resolution.

Breaker Analyser software CABA Win

■ Pre-defined standard test plans

■ Test Plan Editor - easily create customized test plans

■ Accurate comparison with historical test results

■ Convenient report generation with Word, Excel or List and Label

■ Over 300 predefined calculated parameters

DC high current circuit breaker tester BALTO Modular

■ Supports from 4000 A and extended up to (5 x 4000 A Current Generators) 20000 A and up to 40000 A in a Master/ Slave configuration

■ Power source from batteries, buffer through ultracaps

■ Current Generator: DC/DC current converters

■ Current rising slope according to IEC 61992-2 (Traction Power Substations) & IEC 60077-2 (Rolling Stock)

■ Adjustable parameters of the Circuit Breaker Trip Current

■ USB & Ethernet RJ45 Interfaces

DC high current circuit breaker tester BALTO Compact

■ Max. 4000 A

■ Power source from batteries, buffer through ultracaps

■ Current Generator: DC/DC current converters

■ Current rising slope according to IEC 61992-2 (Traction Power Substations) & IEC 60077-2 (Rolling Stock)

■ Adjustable parameters of the Circuit Breaker Trip Current

■ USB & Ethernet RJ45 Interfaces

Primary injection testing

Primary injection testing requires the system to be taken out of service and consequently is usually conducted during commissioning. It does however test the complete system, the current transformer, conductors, connection points, relay protection and circuit breakers.

Primary current injection test system ODEN AT

The ODEN AT primary current injection test system consists of a control unit together with one, two or three current units offering an maximum output of 13 kA for one second and 3800 A continuous. There are three versions of the current unit: S, X and H. The S and X current units are identical except that the X unit has an additional 30/60 V output. The H unit is rated for even higher current. This makes an ODEN AT system very flexible. Each component is portable, and ODEN AT can be quickly assembled and connected.

Timer unit TM200

This timer unit, designed for use with ODEN A and CSU600A, has the precision that makes it ideal for many substation uses.

Primary current injection test system INGVAR

This 5000 A 2 piece portable system is designed for primary injection testing of protective relay equipment and circuit breakers. It is also used to test the turns ratio of current transformers and for other applications that require high variable currents. The control unit has many advanced features including a powerful measurement section that can display turns ratio as well as time, voltage and current. A second measurement channel can be used to test an additional current or voltage. Current transformer turns ratio, impedance, power, power factor (cos φ) and phase angle are calculated and shown in the display. Current and voltage can be presented as percentages of nominal value.

Current transformer switchbox

For use with ODEN AT the switchbox facilitates CT testing. The secondary windings of the CT are connected to the switchbox inputs and the outputs are connected to ammeter 2 of the ODEN AT. It can handle up to 5 secondary windings.

Primary injection test Systems SPI225

The SPI225 is a high current primary injection test unit with the ability to perform high current commissioning test as well as test low-voltage moulded-case circuit breakers. A single SPI225 is designed to test low-voltage moulded-case circuit breakers up to a rating of 225 A. The Smart Touch View Interface, STVI, permits users to manually control the SPI and to perform automated testing. The SPI unit can also be controlled by a PC for testing and report generation.

Current supply units CSU600A and CSU600AT

These high-current supply units have two main fields of application. The first is to conduct primary tests on protective relays. The second field of application involves conducting current tests on low-voltage circuit breakers and overcurrent devices. Both outputting 600 A, the CSU60A requires the use of an external timer and ammeter, while the CSU600AT comes with built in timer and analogue ammeter that provides rough current settings quickly and easily, reducing connection time to a minimum

Circuit breaker and overcurrent relay test set MS-2A

The Megger MS-2A test set is used around the world by several thousand utility companies, industrial plants and electrical service organizations. MS-2A is a self-contained test set that incorporates a variable high-current output and appropriate control circuitry and instrumentation for testing thermal, magnetic or solid-state motor overload relays, molded-case circuit breakers, ground-fault trip devices and overcurrent relays.


The CB-845 test set is a high-current circuit breaker test set consisting of a control unit that incorporates the latest in solidstate metering, control technology and a high-current output unit. The lightweight, two-section design of CB-845 enables the user to easily transport the unit into areas previously inaccessible to high-current test equipment such as elevated or subsurface load centers, shipboard power panels, elevator machinery rooms and other isolated locations. This product is not CE compliant.


DDA-1600 is ideal for testing low-voltage breakers rated to 1600-ampere frame size. Incorporating the new DDA1 Digital Data Acquisition Instrumentation and Control System, it provides increased control of output current and high accuracy metering of the breaker under test. A full line of other DDA test sets is available to meet all of your highcurrent, primary injection testing needs through 6000-ampere frame size. This product is not CE compliant.

DDA-3000 and DDA-6000

The DDA-3000 and DDA-6000 are designed specifically to test low-voltage power and molded-case circuit breakers equipped with thermal, magnetic or solid-state trip devices. The unique transformer and circuit design results in a very high-capacity test set in a very compact size. Advanced digital control and instrumentation provides exact testing capacity. The test sets can also be used for other high current applications, such as verifying the ratio of current transformers and performing heat runs or primary injection testing of high-voltage breakers and their associated protective relays. This product is not CE compliant

Automatic oil circuit recloser tester OCR15D and OCR50D

The Model OCR15D and Model OCR50D Automatic Oil Circuit Recloser Test Sets are self-contained mobile test sets specifically designed to verify the proper operation of automatic circuit reclosers under simulated overload and fault conditions. This helps to ensure reliable system operation, protection and coordination. A digital control and instrumentation system ensures simple operation with precise test results. Model OCR15D and Model OCR50D provide a variable high-current output with an impedance compensation network to stabilize the output current.

Microprocessor-based circuit breaker test sets PS-9116

PS-9116 offers the latest developments in high-current transformers and microprocessor-based control. It combines lightweight, modular portability with high-current output capacity and maximum testing flexibility. It’s incorporated with the PLC-2000 controller and instrumentation package for storing and printing test results in the field or office. This unit tests most low-voltage breakers rated to 1600 amperes. This product is not CE compliant.

PS-9130 and PS-9160

PS-9130 and PS-9160 Series Universal Circuit Breaker Test Sets are specifically designed to test low-voltage power circuit breakers and molded-case circuit breakers that are equipped with thermal magnetic or solid-state trip devices by simulating an overload or fault condition. PS-9130 and PS-9160 are controlled by the PLC-2000 Prime Logic Controls. This microprocessor monitors the output, stores the test data and performs the automatic test functions. After the test information is stored, PLC-2000 can print the test data using a built-in RS-232 printer port. This product is not CE compliant.

DC Circuit breaker tester CB360

The CB-360-DC DC Circuit Breaker Test Set is a mobile, highcurrent test set designed specifically for testing dc circuit breakers. It incorporates a variable high-current dc output, control circuitry, instrumentation, and overload and shortcircuit protection. The CB-360-DC DC Circuit Breaker Test Set is designed to test low-voltage dc circuit breakers with dc current. The unit provides the capability of calibrating and functionally testing the time-delay characteristics of the electromechanical or thermal-magnetic trip devices on dc circuit breakers. This is accomplished by simulating an overload or fault condition on the circuit breaker. This product is not CE compliant.

Protective relay testing

Relay testing system

Distribution systems are protected by increasingly complex relays which require testing. Since the 1970s the Sverker series of relay testers has been class leaders, being small, light and simple to operate. Over the years more features have been added to enable the testing of more complex relays resulting in the variable phase shift and frequency features of the Sverker 780. Now new technology pushes the boundaries even further with the SMRT1, a revolutionary new concept in automatic relay testing, which makes high power complex testing available in a very small, extraordinarily light package.

Relay and substation test system SVERKER900

SVERKER900 is the engineer’s ultimate test box that addresses the increasing need for three-phase testing capability in electrical distribution substations, renewable power generation stations and industrial applications. The intuitive user interface is presented on the LCD touch screen. It has a powerful combination of current and voltage sources and a versatility of measurement possibilities.

Multifunction single phase relay test system SVERKER750 and SVERKER780

The SVERKER750 and SVERKER780 feature many functions that make relay testing more efficient. The measurement section can display, in addition to time, voltage and current Z, R, X, S, P, Q, phase angle and cos φ. The voltmeter can also be used as a 2nd ammeter when testing differential relays. All values are presented on a single easy-to-read display. Directional protective equipment can be tested efficiently by means of the built-in variable voltage source. The SVERKER780 has a continuous phase shift function and adjustable frequency. Automatic reclosing devices can also be tested.


The SVERKER650 enjoys a well-earned reputation for reliability and convenience. Compact and powerful, it provides all of the functions needed for secondary testing of any types of singlephase protection now available. It features logical design, and it is extraordinarily easy to learn and use. Its compact design and low weight makes it extremely portable. Accessories for SVERKER650 includes a test lead set and a rugged transport case and the ACA120 voltage source which makes it easier to test directional relays.

Voltage and current source CSU20A

Small and light this power source is primarily intended for use with Sverker750 and Sverker780 but is in essence a multipurpose AC and DC source featuring one AC current and voltage output, a fully rectified DC output and a half wave rectified output for harmonic restraint testing.

Variable voltage source ACA120

Powered by 110 V AC the ACA120 provides a variable voltage output from 0 V to 120 V for directional protection testing.

Timer unit TM200

This timer unit, designed for use with SVERKER, has the precision that makes it ideal for many substation uses.

Phase selector switch PSS750

Because it is a passive design, the PSS750 has many applications, any of the inputs may be used for current or voltage. It simplifies phase switching and select fault type, phase reversing and facilitates creating variable phase shift.

Test terminal blocks States switches

Covers the complete area of panel connections from terminal blocks to knife switches. All products give long-term connection quality and mechanical stability. States switches are UL listed, and CSA certified.

Test terminal blocks States switches

Covers the complete area of panel connections from terminal blocks to knife switches. All products give long-term connection quality and mechanical stability. States switches are UL listed, and CSA certified.